Investment is one of the most important instruments for the economy of a country. For this reason, data on investment information is needed as the basis for government programs. In this case, the data is grouped according to the field of business and institution. Moreover, in recent years, the government has been very intense in infrastructure development. So it is deemed necessary to arrange the disaggregation of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF).
The 2021 GFCF Disaggregation Compilation Survey aims to obtain sources of data for the preparation of GFCF disaggregation by type of capital goods, business fields and types of capital goods, institutional sector, as well as other national balance data related to investment. The resulting data is strategic in government policy making, investment climate, job creation, and capital stock preparation so that a perfect process must be carried out, starting from careful planning, effective and efficient implementation, and accurate calculation of final results.
BPS of Maluku Barat Daya Regency carried out the SPD-GFCF census of 2021 in June untill July 2021, with a total of 6 samples of Dinas and 2 samples of non-financial businesses, in Tiakur, Moa District. The field enumeration was carried out by the Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis Staff of the BPS of Maluku Barat Daya Regency, Muhammad Tualeka, A.Md.Stat., while the monitoring of activities was carried out directly by the Coordinator of the Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of the BPS of Maluku Barat Daya Regency, Mohammad Asril Lisaholet, S.E.