BPS Maluku Barat Daya Regency Achieved Apreciation of The Best Work Unit - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Barat Daya Regency

BPS Maluku Barat Daya Regency Achieved Apreciation of The Best Work Unit

BPS Maluku Barat Daya Regency Achieved Apreciation of The Best Work Unit

September 25, 2019 | Other Activities

BPS Maluku Barat Daya Regency once more won the best work unit appreciation with the first rank for IKPA assessment until August 31, 2019. Based on the letter of the Head of the KPPN Office Saumlaki Number: S-728 / WPB.32 / KP.0402 / 2019, the KPPN Saumlaki as the State General Treasurer Proxy (BUN) in the regions gave appreciation to the Official Treasury Managers / Financial Managers at the satker deigned to achieve IKPA values above 90. For the IKPA assessment this time out of the 14 satkers in the Payment Area of the Saumlaki KPPN, BPS Maluku Barat Daya regained the first position to replace Saumlaki KPPN itself as the First Satker for the First Position for the 2019 Semester IKPA Assessment with a value of 98.45. It is hoped that BPS Maluku Barat Daya Regency can still maintain its achievements in the implementation of the budget until the end of 2019.
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Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya

Email: bps8108@bps.go.idHomepage : http://malukubaratdayakab.bps.go.id


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