The Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of Maluku 2019 has decreased compared to IDI Maluku 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Barat Daya Regency

The Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of Maluku 2019 has decreased compared to IDI Maluku 2018

Release Date : August 4, 2020
File Size : 1.03 MB


The Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) of Maluku in 2019 reached 68.22 on a scale of 0 to 100. This figure has decreased compared to the Maluku IDI 2018 number of 75.51. The achievements of the Maluku democracy are still in the "medium" category. The level of democracy is classified into three categories, namely "good" (index> 80), "moderate" (index 60 - 80), and "bad" (index <60).

The change in the numbers of the Indonesian Democratic Index (IDI) of Maluku from 2018-2019 was influenced by three aspects of democracy namely (1) Civil Liberties which rose 5.68 points (from 81.38 to 87.06), (2) Political Rights fell by 17.24 points (from 72.86 to 55.62), and the Democratic Institution dropped 7.77 points (from 72.32 to 64.55).

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