Maluku Province Farmers Exchange Rate July 2020 amounted to 96.34 Decreased 0.18 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Barat Daya Regency

Maluku Province Farmers Exchange Rate July 2020 amounted to 96.34 Decreased 0.18 percent

Release Date : August 4, 2020
File Size : 0.83 MB


Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in July 2020 was 96.34, or down 0.18 percent compared to June 2020 which was recorded at 96.52. The decrease in FTT occurred because the decrease in IT by 0.20 percent exceeded the decrease in Ib recorded by 0.03 percent.

Two subsectors experienced a decline in FTT: the subsector of smallholder plantations (0.82 percent) and the food crops subsector (0.24 percent). Three subsectors experienced an increase in FTT: the livestock subsector (2.93 percent), the fisheries subsector (0.12 percent) contributed by an increase in the aquaculture group (1.87 percent), and the horticulture subsector (0.01 percent).
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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