Development of Export Import Maluku November 2014. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Barat Daya Regency

Development of Export Import Maluku November 2014.

Release Date : April 2, 2015
File Size : 0.18 MB


Maluku export value in November 2014 amounted to US $ 11.27 million, up 60.54 percent compared to the value of exports in October 2014. When compared with the value of exports of November 2013 (US $ 9.18 million), an increase of 22.77 percent.

Export Maluku January to November 2014 to reach a value of about US $ 152.67 million. If the value is compared with the value of exports from January to November 2013 amounted to US $ 176.38 million, 13.44 percent decline.

Maluku import value in November 2014 amounted to US $ 41.34 million, an increase of 104.55 percent compared with the value of imports in October 2014. When compared with the value of imports November 2013 (US $ 25.36 million) in November 2014 the value of imports increased by about 63.01 percent. During January - November 2014 Maluku import value reached a value of US $ 364.76 million. This value is increased by about 12.49 percent compared to the same period imports of the previous year.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Maluku Barat DayaKel. Tiakur

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